
Why I Love my Mac


Anyone who has known me in real life, and via my vehicles on the web know that I am an Apple computer fan. And passionate for my beliefs. There are many reasons why, but top of the list is that stuff just works. Case in point, our old Epson 4490 Flatbed scanner. We bought it probably 6 or more years ago, when we needed to digitize some photographs. It was well rated for that, and it had/has good...

Apple Mail – Revisited


As a long time Apple person, and a dedicated Mac user, starting with Mavericks, I had stopped using Apple’s built in mail client. I stopped using it for a variety of reasons, but essentially, the integration with Google mail really became, uh, shitty. Really weird, unreliable connections to the Gmail IMAP server, and finally I just gave up. I also subscribe to a mailing list of some really...

Mac versus PC – Longevity, Lifetime


I live a schizophrenic life. For work I am coerced into a PC world. Windows, AD Domains, MS Exchange, and all that lot. But for my home and personal work, I am a devotee of the cult of the Mac. My wife and I both are Mac users, and here are some observations from a long time use perspective. Work – HP Elitebook 2560P My work laptop was issued to me when I joined in 2012. It is an HP small...

The Mac Book Air – One Year In


Last July, I splurged and bought me a Macbook Air. The product line was refreshed, and brought faster, more energy sipping processors. I had been using a monster MacBook Pro (still have it) 15″ that was loaded. Max memory, SSD boot/spinning rust extension disc, and the high resolution screen. But lugging it around was tiring. The factor that tilted me in favor of the air was the lightness...

I thought I could live with iPhoto


As part of my migration to a MacBook Air (from my macbook pro with beaucoup disk space) I figured I would just live with the “as delivered” iPhoto. Alas, that was not to be. I did one (small) import of photos, and I about barfed. For a program that takes about 1.5 G of disk space, it pretty much sucks when you are used to using Aperture. iPhoto lacks a lot of what I have come to expect in my...

Cleaning up my computer (Mac)


One of the problems with how well integrated and how smooth moving from an old, tired Mac to a new machine is that a lot of old cruft gets carried along. For the most part, since you typically upgrade to a faster, with more memory system, it isn’t a big deal to carry a lot of baggage. Additionally, it is really easy to migrate and bring all your old programs, data and other items to the new...

My next computer (?)


I have long been a Mac fan.  Started back in 1988 when I bought a Mac SE with a 20 megabyte HD built in. I used the heck out of that before getting deeply engrossed in FPS games and building a string of PC clones.  I came back to the Mac fold in 2001, with an iBook, and have been there since. Currently I have an aging 15″  MacBook pro.  It isn’t dying, but it is showing its age.  I...

My first encounter with a Retina MacBook Pro


The other night, after quaffing a couple fine Czech style pilsners at Gordon Birsch (highly recommended, I might add), I wandered the 100 or so feet to the Gilbert Apple Store.  I am usually cautious at an apple store, because sometimes reason evades me and I find myself whipping out my plastic to upgrade to a new computer. I have studiously avoided getting up close and personal with a retina...

Phew, things to be thankful for…


Long time Mac user here. One utility that I just can't live without is Alsoft's Disk Warrior. I have Drive Genius and MacTools Pro, but neither one "just works" as well as Disk Warrior. A month or so ago, my wife's iMac was behaving wonky, so I gr...

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