A passion rekindled: Cycling


Off and on throughout my life I have been more or less a serious cyclist. From my first used Schwinn Stingray (I wish I still had that bike) to my current road bike, I have at times been engrossed with the sport, pushing myself to the extreme, and at times I have backed off, not riding much at all.

I am now going through a phase where I am increasing my cycling, and I am enjoying it. I am currently comfortable doing 25 – 30 mile rides. We have it pretty flat, but I know where to find some good hills that are challenging but not too brutal. Waiting for the weather to cool off a bit for that.

One thing that has changed is the electronics that you can use. Phones with GPS’s and cool apps for tracking your ride abound, and really help you track your progress. Way back, I remember my first Cateye cycle computer (I still have one) and logging my rides on a paper notebook. Now I use my iPhone, and one of the awesome apps to track and monitor my progress. Added a heart rate monitor, and I now track my cardio (important for a heart attack survivor).  I will be adding a speed and cadence sensor, again, to help optimize my conditioning.

So much fun.  If you have Strava, follow me on the journey

Definitely on an upswing. The passion is growing.

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By geoffand

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