Weight Loss Update


Two weeks ago, I lamented the need to get back on the horse and lose some weight. Of course, I know the formula, and I have tools to help me with my endeavor. But it is difficult to train the body to accept the new status quo.

For the stats:

Starting Weight: 232#

Today’s weigh in: 225#

Total lost – 7#

Not a bad first two weeks, but a lot more to go (my goal is 190#). In the last two weeks, I haven’t cooked anything extraordinary. We had visitors, so I made Pizza (by request) and had only one piece. I have been quite good about not snacking between meals, and not eating dessert. Lots of Lean Cuisine (good for portion control and balance, but big bad on the Sodium content. A willing trade).

By my tracking tool, the “Perfect Diet Tracker”, I am allocated about 2100 calories a day, and I consistently am eating about 1400 – 1500 a day. I am hungry, but not starving.

Exercise is the tough one. I can’t run anymore (last time I lost weight, and for years after, I did about 5m of running at lunch every day. Now the Plantar Fasciitis prevents that), so I walk when I can at work. Good for about 3.3 miles, it does burn some calories, and it gets me off my butt. This last weekend I brushed the dust off my bicycle, and put on about 36 miles.  Felt good (legs are a little stiff today, but I am seriously saddle sore), but need to keep the habit up.

There was a facebook status a week or so ago, one of those funny e-cards that said: “I know the feeling of skinny.  It feels hungry”. That sums it up exactly.

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By geoffand

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